Since June 2020, IRSSV and CUDV Črna have cooperated with the project Deinstitutionalisation of CUDV Črna na Koroškem, co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund.
The project envisages the transformation or the beginning of the deinstitutionalization of the CUDV Črna na Koroškem, as dictated by the Common European Guidelines for the Transition to Community Forms of Care. The IRSSV provides professional support for implementing the deinstitutionalization project CUDV Črna na Koroškem.
The Center for Training, Work and Protection (CUDV) Črna na Koroškem, operating since 1968, provides institutional care and education for children, adolescents, and adults with intellectual disabilities. They carry out a special education program for persons up to the age of 26, and from the age of 21, they also carry out a training program for life and work.
CUDV Črna started working on the first attempts to move into the community by opening the first housing units in 1981 and introducing the first housing groups in 2008, which reduced the number of capacities in the main building.
CUDV Črna has housing groups and units in 11 different locations, with 63 residents. The long-term vision is to transform the institution into a network of various community services for users and other people in the community who would need support.
At least 70 people will move into housing groups as part of the project. We will develop new services for users to improve their quality of life and strengthen the community. Together with users, we will create services that align with European trends and international documents in deinstitutionalization. In addition, the project will contribute to the creation of systemic solutions for the transformation of institutions in Slovenia.
The project will enable a shift towards realizing human rights and fundamental freedoms for users of CUDV Črna na Koroškem, improve their quality of life, strengthen their strength, and provide various forms of community services to support independent living.
As strengthening and developing employee competencies will have a decisive impact on the quality of services and transforming care, the project also provides education and training of staff, transfer of good practices from abroad, and the organization of diverse professional support.